This is how it looks 24 hours later. As you can see, I started adding in some background colour. With so much olive green paper showing, I was concerned that it was affecting my colour and value choices. I am still building up colour, especially on the inside of the front leaf. I also will be adding veins to the back leaf. Adding the veins at this point will be more work to get to look right than if I had put them in at the beginning but I wanted to compare the two looks. At one point I was considering not having such pronounced veins and I was going to draw more stuff into the background. Given the busy 'in your face' nature of the front leaf at present, I don't think I will confuse things by adding to the drawing. Still, this is a work in process and of course things may change.
I would like to take a moment to thank Christine over at Creative Life Studio for the following blog award. I am supposed to pass this award on to five other bloggers that inspire me. I am afraid I am going to be a bit of a wet blanket here and not do this. Many of the artists that I would be nominating no longer participate in blog memes. As a substitute, I suggest that you check out the folks on my blogroll. I am sure that you will be inspired by their creativity and their commitment. Thank again Christine!
Wow, this looks just like stained glass. The colours are wonderful.
Thanks Jeanette, and thanks for becoming a follower...of course I don't like the new look of the follower widget. :-)
This is looking very nice! I noticed it is a large piece too! You go, Teresa!!
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