Last time I posted, I mentioned that I was off to purchase track lighting for my studio. As you can see from the photos, I now have two rows of track lights that run down the center of the studio. The top picture turned out too dark but you get the idea. A big thank you goes to my husband who spent several hours last Sunday making this happen for me. This required crawling around in a hot attic, on top of itchy, nasty insulation to run new wires etc. I am most appreciative! Drilling holes in the ceiling and so on left a mess to clean up and with this job going on, I couldn't set up my studio for teaching - which started the next day! Of course that is what I get for procrastination. I taught a course here not long after we got possession of the house (we hadn't moved in yet, but I had moved my studio stuff) and I realized then that the lighting wasn't great for a teaching space. Fast forward six months and the job finally gets done.
I am teaching the Intro. course (which ends today) and the ladies involved are picking up this whole coloured pencil thing very well! I am impressed as they are very new to the medium, brand new pencils and all.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed a peek into my studio...could I cram any more furniture in there? You can hardly see the couch that is behind the white board easel (middle picture) but yes I even have a couch in my studio. My husband made the tables for the students and the legs fold up. That way I can take them down if I don't want them in the studio. Yes, my husband is absolutely wonderful...I am a lucky gal indeed.
What a great studio and teaching space. Can you see my skin is "green" with envy?? You are, indeed, a lucky girl.
Yes, Cindy I am.
Do you have a special place in your home for your artistic pursuits?
In our previous home, I took over a spare bedroom. It was a good size and I had a lovely view from the large window but it wasn't suitable for teaching. Also, the carpet wasn't such a great choice of flooring for when I got out my paints. :-) I have trouble keeping the brush in my hand!
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