Monday, August 29, 2011

Motivation Monday

Do you ever feel like you have too many dreams and too little time? Does it sometimes feel like where you want to go with all of your creative goals and plans is simply too far off - so far off that it starts to seem unattainable?

All of the time you have invested in pursuing your dreams is not wasted. A simple way to boost your motivation is to look at how far you have come with your dreams already. 

Remember when you were a student and you dreamed of the day that you would be out working and your school loans would be paid off? Remember when you rented an apartment, how you longed to buy your own place so you could do what you wanted to with the paint on the walls and you wanted to have a yard? Remember how you were so tired of having to get everywhere by bus and you longed to own car? Remember how you dreamed of being in a relationship, perhaps dreamed of having a family? No matter what we have wanted in our past, chances are we have realized a lot of our dreams over the years. It is easy to take all of this for granted. But have a look around you. I'll bet you will see that your life now is full of fulfilled dreams.

And so will your life in the future! Simply keep pursuing those creative goals, keep making those plans and crafting ideas. Do the work and sooner than you think you will find you have more dreams to add to your fulfilled list. Stop looking at the clock and the calendar, just do what you can all happens one step at a time anyway, right? 

(for convenient reading, all previous Motivation Monday posts can be located in one spot, simply click the Motivation Monday banner in the right hand side bar)


Kathy said...

Thanks for the lift! Just keep plugging away! So glad you are back blogging!

Teresa Mallen said...

Hi Kathy. Thank you very much for your kind comment and thank you for stopping by to have a read.

Recently I dealt with some feelings of being overwhelmed. I had oodles of great ideas and plans fermenting in my brain. Sometimes the goals just didn't seem do-able. So I reminded myself of the stuff I talked about in the post. I recalled the things I have accomplished that were once simply far off dreams. I really tried to camp on that thinking for a bit. It has really helped me put things into perspective! So I do try to practice what I preach... :-)

Brenda said...

I am so happy our Monday chats are back! I have been sooo overwhelmed lately with way to many ideas. It puts me on the brink of thinking that I am failing at attaining my plans. (Trust me I have a notebook filled with ideas!) Fall and the upcoming holiday season can put me into a tailspin with commissions and orders to meet. Especially when the garden and food preservation demand a lot of my time. I am always thinking about the next 5 projects! ;)

It helped me a bunch to have my hubby install a dry erase board in my studio area. I try to get an easy/attainable list up the night before or in the morning and check off items as the day progresses. I am a pretty free spirit in general, but there is nothing wrong with a loose schedule to keep my head focused.

Thanks for your insight. It made me stop for a minute on my commission and think about the last few years. I've gotten so caught up in the now and the future, that I forgot how far I have come... It is so easy to loose perspective. This is a practice that I am going to incorporate into life. Maybe take a moment at the end of the week/month to look back and reflect... and take a little pride in my accomplishments! :)

Ann said...

Thanks for a wonderful post! The perfect lift for the start of my week. It is always a good reminder for me to be grateful for what I have managed to accomplish instead of simply focusing on what I still want to do. And time, well, that's always a struggle, finding the time for it all.

Teresa Mallen said...

Hi Brenda, I know all about the notebook filled with ideas and I can definitely relate to the garden of veggies that need to be harvested and stored for the winter!!! I use a day planner and being organized helps me feel more in control of the to-do list. I am sure that once you start looking for those fulfilled dreams you will be amazed at how much you have accomplished. Good luck with those holiday commissions! :-)

Hi Ann, gratitude keeps me sane! I find that if I daily practice being mindful of all of my blessings, I can experience a flow of joy in my life. And yes, wouldn't it be great if we could get time to stand still for a while? :-)

Jennifer Rose said...

there is never enough time :p but i try to get as much stuff done in the time i have. never enough time for all of the ideas that pop into my head. i use to think i haven't really done anything with my life, that I hadn't managed to make any of my dreams come true; but then people remind me that I've travelled a lot more than some people do, and i had wanted and still want to see foreign places :) might not have a lot of time, but your point is a good one. just do what you can today and things can and will happen.

Barb Goodsitt said...

I really enjoyed this post. It is easy for me to slip into the negative and not acknowledge positive things that have happened. I like your colorful "M" too!