I hope those of you in the Ottawa area will be able to get out today to visit the homes on the Red Trillium Studio Tour. The quality of the work is truly outstanding.
We would love to welcome you here at studio stop number five - not only will you be able to see my work and my studio but you will also get to view the work of my two fabulous guest artists!
We would love to welcome you here at studio stop number five - not only will you be able to see my work and my studio but you will also get to view the work of my two fabulous guest artists!
Here are some pictures of my studio as it looks as a gallery...

Here is the work of Kathryn Looby, a talented copper artist. Kathryn's work has a Celtic flavour, created by hand, in the traditional technique of repousse.

Displaying her work along side Kathryn in my living room is the passionate work of Cristina Del Sol. Cristina is an experimental visual artist creating mainly abstract and non-objective work.

Do check out Kathryn and Cristina's websites and for further tour information, please visit the tour website. Yesterday we were blessed with a beautiful sunny day and lots of visitors and I am sure today will be more of the same.
Thanks to everyone who stopped by on Saturday and I look forward to meeting those of you who can make it out today!
Wish I was closer!!
Hope it's a fabulous turnout for you!!
I was beginning to wonder why you have been so 'quiet' lately Teresa.......its probably because you have been getting ready for this event! It looks wonderful; I wish I were close enough stop in. : )
I hope you have a wonderful turnout for your tour. I wish I could be there.
I also wish I were closer! I would definitely come by! I love the pictures of your studio! It is so wide open and clean! I can only wish for something so nice!
Sounds like you have been busy! Hope you have a good turnout today.
OMG, your studio looks wonderful. Wish I could have attended. Hope you have a great turnout and sell some of your marvelous work along with some of the cards. BTW, the peas look stunning.
Oh it all looks fabulous! I hope you're having a good time. I wish I was close, I'd stop by and bug you!
Congats on getting it all put together, I know it was a lot of work.
Hi Laure, I wish you could have visited! Yes it was a fabulous turnout!!!
Hi Lynda, never fear, I won't be staying quiet! :-) Yes, I was really busy getting ready. I too wish you could have stopped by!
Hi Vicki, thanks for your good wishes - the turn out was impressive, especially considering the economy and people trying to avoid exposure to the flu virus. I think the lovely weather was a definite plus!
Hi Beth - my studio doesn't always look so wide open but I am pretty clean! :-) I removed the tables and chairs that my students use so that helped open things up.
Oh Maria, you know what - I bailed on the cards and the peas are still not finished!!! But I was able to use the peas as a demo wip for the studio tour so that was good. :-)
Hi Paula, I sure wish you could have stopped by to bug me - I would have loved that! :-)
To all of my wonderful blogging friends, thanks again for your good wishes and I do wish you all could have been here! Now I have to go and catch up on two weeks of blog reading!!
Your studio space looks warm and inviting. A great place to create. It's nice to also see you in your environment. :o )
I hope the tour was successful for you - your studio looks great and you look fabulous in it!
Nice studio space, Teresa. I'm trusting from what I read that the tour and showing were successful? My studio as well as most of my artist friends are close to major disaster areas. My good friend, Scott Christensen always kept such a clean studio. I always figured he spends way too much time cleaning rather than painting. He just laughs at that notion and shakes his head at mine.
Hi Teresa,
I write from Spain (Europe). I want to tell you that your studio is wonderful. I should like having a studio like yours: big and bright.
I like drawing with colored pencils and also often use a sketchbook. I'm self taught and I'm learning.
Your blog is very nice, with many interesting article, I especially like the articles of motivation. I always complain that I have no time to devote to drawing and painting, and your notes made me think.
If you want you can visit my blog and see my pictures. Thank you very much: http://elrincondebohemia.blogspot.com/
You have a great blog. I am now a follower.
Christine and Jan, I'm glad you like my studio! Thank you for your comments.
Gary - yes the tour was successful on many levels. The brochure alone is worth the effort. 10,000 copies go out, complete with a colour image of my art and contact info such as my web address. Re: a clean studio - while my studio is usually pretty tidy I must say that I don't spend too much time cleaning it. It really comes down to something quite simple - if I get something out, I put it back where it belongs when I am done. Should I fail to do this, then yes I will go on a sorting and putting away spree until I have set things to rights - fortunately this isn't often required. I am an organized and orderly kind of gal by nature and that helps! :-)
Hi Marisol. Thank you for your lovely comments. I am self taught as well and all artists should never stop learning. I am so glad that you found something helpful in my Motivation Monday posts. I visited your site (had fun looking around) and I really like your latest piece. Thank goodness for the translating feature! :-)
Hello Dream C. Thank you for stopping by and thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. I appreciate that you have become a follower. It is nice to know folks wish to have a look at future posts!
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