Friday, February 17, 2012

ants in my pants and working upside down

I have resorted to tricks to try to keep motivated - I have been rotating my art and my reference photo. I am now working upside down which has given my brain a new image to fuss with. I was getting rather bored with the old image! This is really becoming more of an abstract piece and now that my brain is no longer processing petal shapes and ideas of flowers (because it is upside down) I imagine this could get even more abstract. I shall try to rein this in as it has gone about as far in that direction as I want. At this point I think the drawing is almost done. Later this afternoon it shall be time to post the work in my studio. I want to look at it for a while to see if the movement and flow are working. This piece went off to an unexpected place and I need to assess if this is a good thing!

And yes I am antsy these days. I am blaming it on the incredibly mild weather we have been having. The goats are frisky and so am I. I have found it hard to sit still and work at my drafting table. I want to be out doing something! So I grab another cup of tea, I get up and put on a different CD, I check my email (well the computer is right in front of me and a girl only has so much discipline) and I look longingly out the window.

This morning was another mild one, with such lovely sunshine. Here is Roosty and some of his girls (If you are new to my blog and you are not sure what a rooster looks like, Roosty is the grey with black markings chicken on the left, a very handsome fellow and I never tire of looking at him).

Yesterday I realized it was time for a change. I turned the barn radio dial from my favourite classical station to an eighties greatest hits sort of channel. This weather calls for some serious dancing and singing in both the barn and the studio. Things were at high volume and rocking during milking time! (not to mention later in the studio) :-)

Once outside, I dawdle and play with the goats, brush them until they are ready for a show ring somewhere and then I reluctantly make my way back to the house. It seems early but yes, spring fever is here!

I shall sign off by sharing this morning's view of chicken bottoms...have a great weekend everyone.


Ann said...

Your drawing looks great! I'm looking forward to seeing the final product. I do that too, rotate my reference and my drawing to work from all sorts of angles. It helps me see just shapes and color without the subject getting in the way. Hope your nice weather holds! They're talking about snow here this weekend :(

Barb Goodsitt said...

I agree, your drawing does look great, and keep dancing! I wonder how many of us who work at home, take breaks to "rock out". It is good excercise and fun. Enjoy your wonderful animals, mild weather and have a nice weekend.

Teresa Mallen said...

Hi Ann, oddly enough I would love for it to snow here. Despite my current bout of spring fever, I like winter very, very much. So my drawing looks great upside down - thank you! I hope it still looks good once I turn it back around. Something had been looking a bit strange previously! LOL

So you dance too Barbara? Yes, very fun indeed! Thanks re: my drawing and you have a fab time this weekend as well.

Jennifer Rose said...

the nice weather we have been having is set to end :( possible snow, you can have it ;)

i love rooster feathers, so many colours in them

Paula Pertile said...

I work upside down too sometimes (well, the art is, anyway).
Love the chicken bottoms!

Teresa Mallen said...

Yes Jennifer Rose, send me the snow! :-)

Paula, if we could work upside down, us not the art, how incredible would the marketing angle be on that one? Woo-hoo!!!