I have added new dates for my Coloured Pencil Basics course. The course will run Saturday mornings from October 24th until November 7, 2009. This is a great introduction course as it provides everything you need to know in order to 'paint' with coloured pencils. Students learn how to correct mistakes, how to create colours on the paper and they experience the difference it makes when working on different papers and surfaces. Also covered are stroke techniques, how to burnish cp pigment so it looks like paint, and much more. For more information or to register, please see my website, or click here.
Below is a picture of how my studio looks right now...not so tidy, but hey I'm working!! :-)
In the next photo, may I draw your attention to the lovely green chair on the left? You might recall that I discovered several old chairs in the attic of my parents' farmhouse. This poor thing was covered in pigeon poop and the arms and legs were discoloured from water damage. After a good scrubbing and after applying some wonderful wood refinishing products, I have a lovely chair. One down, three other chairs to go. One chair is a lovely antique rocker that is broken (nothing modern carpentry glue and some clamps won't mend) and one is an elegant antique chair with a woven rush seat (You guess it, the woven seat is broken. I have discovered a small local company that does this sort of restoration and they also sell kits to repair such seats should I get inspired to fix it myself.) The third chair is a rose coloured one that matches the green one in the picture. I am not sure where all these chairs are going to go in my house but I couldn't see them get hauled away as garbage.
I am leaving the bliss of my studio this afternoon in order to do some advertising and to enter the bliss of the National Gallery of Canada. I am participating in a studio tour in November. The brochures have just arrived from the printers so I am heading out to drop 400 of them off at the Council for the Arts in Ottawa. They do quarterly mailings, so thanks to this service, these brochures will end up in the hands of some movers and shakers in the city. After that I am heading off to see a special art exhibit. I am a blessed gal!
I'm jealous, your studio looks bigger then our flat lol
yes much better to save those chairs then have them end up in the garbage
Nice studio....mine is much smaller and darker but at least the windows open to afternoon sun 'o)
What a lovely place to paint and create. Your students are so lucky to be able to take art lessons from you in such wonderful surroundings.
What a great space for working, Teresa. Is it on an upper floor? I've been using our extra bedroom to work in, but we are in the process of getting estimates for building a studio. In fact, we are looking at having it built under the overhang off the end of our wonderful old barn - which would result in a studio about 15 x 30 feet, plus some loft storage if we put in a higher ceiling. That is signigicantly more space than what I have now..........I might get lost in there!
I still am envious of your studio space. Its fabulous, full of light and spacious. Lucky you.
Your 'untidy' version is tidier than my tidy version of my studio. :)
I love that you rescued those chairs. I did that with a very old rocker that I found standing by the side of the road waiting to be picked up for clean up week. The wood was painted brown and the upholstery fabric was bright orange nubbly polyester something. Shudder. Anyway I asked if I could have it and they said yes, looking at me as if I was crazy.
I took it home, stripped it down to the bare bones, stripped the wood and reupholstered it with a lovely fabric. It now sits in my living room and is my favourite chair as its so comfortable. I've even drawn it a few times!
Hi Jennifer Rose, yes my studio is rather large. The photos don't show it all. I even have wonderful storage closets!
Hi Heather, windows are always great. I know some artists work in basements but it is nice if you can have a view.
Hi Maria. I do think my studio makes for a creative place to learn. In my former home, I used to teach classes in my husband's office which was in the basement. We had made it a lovely room and there was a small window but it wasn't as charming or as inspiring as learning in a studio.
Oh Lynda, go for it! In my former home I used a spare bedroom for a studio. I had a large window which was nice but there wasn't too much room to work. My drafting table was there of course but I didn't have any other tables I could use and my storage wasn't great either. Using a light box, and cutting paper etc. on the floor got old real fast.
This studio is on the second floor. It is above our three car garage and it has over 700 ft. The people who built this house planned the space for the wife who was also an artist. She was a printmaker and she needed room for her 1850 printing press! Trust me, you won't get lost...you will find you fill every inch!
Hi Jeanette - a kindred spirit who sees potential in a discarded chair!! :-) I loved hearing about your rescue. I hope you took before and after photos. Kudos on stripping the paint. I know that if there are any curves or ornamental work in the wood, this can be a bit tricky. I am glad that it turned out so successfully - your favourite chair!!
Teresa, you have a beautiful studio! I am very jealous!
Anyway, I just wanted to stop in and say "hi" to you. I haven't had much free time lately to read any blogs, let alone update mine. Hope all is well with you!
I'm jealous too! (But in a good way). Mine is very ... um... cozy, by comparison.
So glad you saved the chairs! I've saved a couple in my day and they're still my favorites. And I have too many chairs too, but somehow there's always room.
And btw, your studio is tidier than mine is on a 'tidied up' day, if that makes sense. :~)
Valerie, well hi back! Thanks for stopping in. And hey, I know all about being so busy you fall behind in blogging!!!
Hi Paula, yes it would seem my untidy studio is actually rather tidy. Honestly though, when I have to transform it into a teaching space, a lot of stuff has to get put away. :-)
I love your studio Teresa! It's so airy and clean and white! How do you keep the floor so clean? What have you been working on lately?
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