Coloured pencil on Pastelbord

This is a small tulip piece that I did last week. It is 5 x 7 inches on a panel of tan coloured Pastelbord. The lower picture is obviously from when it was a work in progress.
This sort of work is great for sales. I don't know why, but tulips are my best seller. People also usually like the smaller format because these pieces are less expensive and they can fit anywhere in the home.
I have enjoyed working on these small Pastelbord panels but now it is time to work on something different. For my next painting I shall return to white Stonehenge paper and something not quite so small.
I haven't had too much studio time as I have been busy on the business end of things. I have been doing up some advertising as well as refreshing my inventory list. Yes, I took my own advice. I realized as I wrote the post on inventory lists that it had been quite a while since I had worked on mine. I also have started a rough draft of a press release.
Now I need to get back to writing my June newsletter. I hope to have it finished in the next 24 hours. I have to get my studio cleaned up and set up for teaching this weekend and I have some material to get ready for the students.
And yippee the new frig did arrive and it is purring away as I type. Guess that means I have some grocery shopping to do! Our kitchen is now a cooler free zone!!
Hi I just found your site and was happy to read you support World Vision. I do, too. Love your work, it's very soft and peaceful. And I have to take some time to read all your comments. You seem to have a lot of helpful things to pass along. Thanks!
Hi Deborah,
Thanks for stopping by! And aren't you a sweetheart for leaving such a lovely comment?!
I am glad to hear that someone has actually read my bit in the sidebar about making a difference. I am truly passionate about people making some sort of effort to help others. It can be down the street or across the world but we can and should do something.
I shall pop on over to your blog and we can continue the converation there. :-) Thanks again for your kind words. They are much appreciated.
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